Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

INFOtrac Solutions Inc. (INFOtrac) is committed to protecting the privacy of the visitors to our website. This privacy statement is to inform visitors to our site about INFOtrac‘s practices with regards to the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information that may be collected from or provided by individuals through the web site.

2. Scope

This document is part of the INFOtrac Privacy Framework and applies to all personal information in INFOtrac’s possession or custody, collected from the visitors to the website, including information that has been transferred to a third party for processing.

3. Privacy Statement – INFOtrac Web Site

This website is owned by INFOtrac Solutions Inc. (INFOtrac), which is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. INFOtrac takes great responsibility towards safeguarding your personal information and using this information in a responsible manner. This privacy statement informs you on how INFOtrac uses and protects personal information you may provide via our website.

Please read this privacy statement before using our website or submitting information through it. INFOtrac is committed to working hard to serve you and to safeguarding your personal information.

4. Your Consent

By using the INFOtrac website, and any functions within the site, you agree with the terms of this privacy statement.

5. Defining Personal Information

According to Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), “personal information” is information pertaining to an individual who can be specifically identified. Information about you is considered personal information for as long as it is possible to relate it back to you through one of your personal identifiers.

Your personal identifiers are any information that identifies you, including your name, your address, your email address and your telephone number. Information that cannot be related back to you is anonymous information.

Removing the personal identifiers from your personal information makes the information anonymous. Whenever possible, INFOtrac works with anonymous information. This privacy statement does not apply to anonymous information.

6. Being Responsible For Personal Information

INFOtrac‘s Chief Privacy Officer is responsible for ensuring that your personal information is collected, accessed, used, disclosed, stored and disposed of in compliance with applicable privacy legislation.

INFOtrac ensures that any authorized third party involved in the processing of your personal information has a level of protection that is comparable to the level in force at INFOtrac. This privacy statement does not apply to websites linked from this website. INFOtrac recommends that you contact the proprietors of such websites directly for information on their privacy policy.

7. Understanding Why INFOtrac Collects Your Personal Information

When you are submitting inquiries by phone or email, INFOtrac may need personal information from you to reply to you.

INFOtrac may also collect technical information while you visit this website. This information is used to analyze trends, manage this website, track visitor movements, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. This information includes the date and time of your visit to this website, the pages you visited on this website, the website where you came from, the type of browser and operating system you are using, your IP address, and the domain name and IP address of your Internet service provider. This technical information is kept separate from your personal identifiers, so it remains anonymous. The INFOtrac website may use “cookies” to track how our visitors use the site.

8. Limiting Protection Of Your Personal Information

INFOtrac tells you when it needs to collect your personal information and what your information will be used for. INFOtrac collects only the information required for the stated purpose and it does so only after you give your consent. You’re providing INFOtrac with personal information is entirely voluntary.

9. Using and Disclosing Your Personal Information

Your personal information is used only for the purposes for which it was collected. We do not disclose your personal information to any third party for purposes other than the ones for which it was collected, except as required by law.

10. Retaining Your Personal Information

Your personal information is kept in physical or electronic formats, or both. The duration for which INFOtrac keeps your information depends upon the purpose for which it was collected.

INFOtrac does not keep your personal information for longer than necessary; your information is either destroyed or made anonymous as soon as it is reasonably possible. You can request in writing that your personal information be removed from INFOtrac’s files. If you make such a request, INFOtrac will dispose of your information within thirty (30) days of the receipt of your request, except when the law requires that we keep your information.

11. Safeguarding Your Personal Information

The personal information you provide to INFOtrac is subject to strict security measures. Records kept electronically are maintained on a secure network. Physical records are kept in secure storage facilities. The disposal of records is conducted in a secure manner.

INFOtrac employees have successfully submitted to a security screening, they have received training on the implementation of the INFOtrac privacy policy, and they have been instructed as to their responsibilities regarding the protection of personal information. They access only the personal information they need in order to fulfill their duties.

12. Sending Complaints, Concerns or Enquiries

INFOtrac has procedures in place to receive and respond to complaints, concerns or inquiries about its policies and practices relating to the handling of your personal information.

Send all correspondence to the attention of the Privacy Officer. Complaints in particular should be sent in writing through regular mail. INFOtrac will investigate your complaint and respond to you within thirty (30) days of the receipt of your correspondence. INFOtrac will take appropriate measures to resolve your complaints and answer your inquiries and concerns.

By Mail:       Attention: Privacy Officer
Address:    INFOtrac Solutions Inc.
                    306-345 Wilson Avenue
                    Toronto, Ontario M3H 5W1
By Phone:  416-642-2703
By Email:

13. Changes to This Privacy Statement

INFOtrac may update this privacy statement from time to time. When it updates it, a notification will be published on this website no less than thirty (30) days before the statement modifications are done. The notification will include instructions for you to respond to the changes if you wish to do so. This privacy statement was last updated on January 31, 2017.